
Kleinknecht and Lismar by npk design

Kleinknecht and Lismar

GUI for a flexible and customizable platform Kleinknecht and Lismar HMI for steel industry roll-grinding machines Heavy-industry workplaces require intuitive and efficient user interfaces to enhance control and visibility for critical functions. To address these needs, we designed a new GUI for roll grinding machines, catering to the requirements of Kleinknecht and Lismar’s industrial clients. […]

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ARMA Instruments by npk design

ARMA Instruments

Secure communication in critical situations ARMA Instruments ARMA G1 Mark II Secure Communicator Switzerland-based ARMA Instruments specialises in the security of mission-critical communications. After developing the first generation of the Secure Communicator, Arma again turned to us for the new generation, the Mark II. User target groups are professionals within the military, police, legal and

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Generate sustainable energy and produce green hydrogen H2arvester Circular agriculture comes in reach with H2arvester H2arvester is a good example of a system innovation in which npk design was involved from the very start. H2arvester, literally ‘hydrogen harvester’, is a mobile solar panel system that generates sustainable energy.With its wealth of applications, H2arvester offers an

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New archetype for the electric vehicle charging market NRG2050 Ostra charging points for electric vehicles The NRG2050 holding comprises companies that offer e-mobility initiatives, services and smart solutions. An important innovation being launched on the market by NRG2050, is a smart charging point for electric vehicles. A permanent electronics partner was engaged to develop innovative

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Covestro by npk design


A win-win situation: ease of use ànd minimal material loss Covestro – Dockit® A novel packaging solution that contains clear coat and hardener in the perfect mix ratio In the paint industry, mixing two-component paints is a time consuming, inefficient and error-sensitive process. The mixing ratio has a major impact on the end result, while

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High Performance in High Tech ASML 35+ years cooperation between ASML and npk design ASML develops the lithography technology and produces the machines which manufacture microchips. The company was founded in the 1980s as a Philips spin-off and the collaboration between ASML and npk design started at the same time. ASML is now the largest

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VSPARTICLE by npk design


The ultimate R&D platform for material testing and development VSPARTICLE VSP-P1 NanoPrinter On average, it takes 15 years to develop a new material. VSPARTICLE has developed the VSP-P1 NanoPrinter, which will significantly speed up this process. npk design, in collaboration with MTA and VSPARTICLE, designed the first series of these devices with a strong focus


Siemens Digital Industries Software

Reliable data acquisition under extreme conditions Siemens Digital Industries Software Simcenter SCADAS RS npk design and Siemens have a decades-long partnership with a clear assignment of roles: we provide mechanical solutions and housings, and Siemens provides electronics and software. Simcenter SCADAS RS is the most recent result of that collaboration. This robust data acquisition and

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Rose-Nursery AI-Robot

A research project for designing-out fungicides EIP Project Rose-Nursery AI-Robot The use of chemical crop protection harms sustainability by disrupting ecosystems and fostering resistance in pathogens. To address this, we joined a multi-year EU-funded research-project. We explore how AI can reduce reliance on chemical crop protection while supporting the development of biological alternatives. AI-Powered precision

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BiosparQ by npk design


Microbial information in the blink of an eye BiosparQ Cirrus D20 analysis device In an integral design project, npk design worked intensively on developing and implementing BiosparQ’s brand, corporate and product identity. npk design teamed up with BiosparQ to design and develop the Cirrus D20 analysis device. The design process focused on component layout, user

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