Secure communication in critical situations

ARMA Instruments

ARMA G1 Mark II Secure Communicator

Switzerland-based ARMA Instruments specialises in the security of mission-critical communications. After developing the first generation of the Secure Communicator, Arma again turned to us for the new generation, the Mark II. User target groups are professionals within the military, police, legal and financial affairs, government and NGOs who need to be able to operate securely in any location around the globe. In our highly connected world, cybersecurity is challenged every minute. ARMA Instruments uses ‘Dynamic identity’ to hide user data and metadata. The attack surface of the communication device is reduced. The device operates as stand-alone, building on a zero trust approach.
ARMA Instruments by npk design
ARMA Instruments by npk design
ARMA Instruments by npk design

Design language, materials and reliabilit

With its design language and selection of materials, the Mark II’s design emphasises the device’s reliability, the high-tech technological application and its certainty of performing in all potential and critical situations. The layout of the components and the construction of the physical casing elements were decided in an integral way in consultation with the electronics development partner. The focus was thereby on cybersecurity and tamper protection, the antenna radio signal and robustness in use such as shock, vibration and drop protection.
The final design concept was selected based on realistic renderings, volume models and material samples. High-quality shock-resistant materials, precise manufacturing processes and the use of gorilla glass ensure that the communicator works in a wide variety of conditions and locations.
ARMA Instruments by npk design
“npk proved to be a more than pleasant partner to work with. During the creative meetings everyone enjoyed the tremendous energy in the room. Besides their obvious professionalism, I most value their gift of translating a vision into an actual design. Presentations given by their team where always a magical moment that I much looked forward to and where very important drivers and a source for enthusiasm in my team. Even the early concept art of our product gave us important traction and helped us with attracting funding, additional team members and so on. We are much looking forward to keep working with npk design on our future products.”

Pim Donkers | Chief Executive Officer | President of the Board

Collaboration, design approach and expertise

Close collaboration between the developers of hardware, electronics and software is crucial for this type of security-critical product. Here too, our holistic design approach and production engineering expertise contributed to the final solution.

ARMA Instruments by npk design

User Interface Design

A lot of attention is paid to the functionality and operation of the Secure Communicator in stressful situations. The interaction must be as simple and intuitive as possible. The user interface was optimised by dynamically prototyping the control structures and testing graphic elements (layout and icons) with users.
ARMA greatly appreciates the fact that our designers also have in-house expertise in user interface design. That means that as a client, you don’t have to keep providing information to new partners. That saves time and energy.
ARMA Instruments by npk design

More information

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Please feel free to contact Herman van der Vegt.

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