Simple, comfortable and reassuring


NightWatch seizure detection system

A notorious example of an illness with unexpected seizures is epilepsy. Patients often suffer a seizure at night, which can be dangerous. Parents of young patients therefore often sleep in the same room or even in the same bed as the child.

The smart design of the armband makes sleeping as comfortable as possible

NightWatch detects clinically urgent epileptic attacks at night. In bed, the patient wears a band on their upper arm. Sensors measure the heart rhythm and movements. If a seizure occurs, the DECT base station warns the carers immediately. Livassured commissioned npk design to design the armband with sensors. Our design input resulted in a smart concealed band closure which makes the armband as comfortable as possible during sleep, but which enables optimal measurements. The next step was to create a series of prototypes with which tests were carried out on patients. The band is decorated with a nice graphic pattern.

NightWatch not only increases patient safety but also greatly reduces the burden of carers / care professionals.

A great step forward in healthcare

The various technologies used by the armband to detect, register and communicate were technically perfected and clinically validated by Livassured. This makes the system more reliable than other available systems. The result of years of research conducted in collaboration with all the epilepsy clinics in the Netherlands has shown that the NightWatch system detects over 90% of clinically urgent seizures. This is a great step forward in healthcare and a positive contribution to the quality of life of patients and their careers.

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If so, please feel free to contact Herman van der Vegt.

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